Am I A Candidate for Invisalign? 

According to statistics, four million individuals in the United States wear braces. However, not many adults are enamored by the train track-looking braces. But how can they still have their teeth fixed? Invisalign serves as a solution to crooked teeth without ever looking like you have braces on. Then again, not everyone qualifies to wear them.



What Is Invisalign?



Invisalign are clear trays worn to change the positioning of your teeth over some time. They help people with various orthodontal issues restore their smiles and oral health.


What Dental Problems Does Invisalign Correct?


Invisalign can work for many dental issues. But they do not correct severe dental problems. Cases that need shifting of your jawbone are too advanced for Invisalign. Invisalign are an orthodontic solution for the following:


  • Mildly crooked teeth.
  • Mild underbites
  • Mild overbites.
  • Protruding teeth.
  • Teeth gaps.
  • Overcrowded teeth.
  • Central tooth overlaps.
  • Poor positioning of teeth when closing your mouth.


Genetics, injury, thumb sucking, and oral disease can cause mild dental issues. Misplaced and crooked teeth can lead to severe dental problems. Ill-positioning of teeth can arise from gingivitis, jaw pain, or headaches.



Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?



Below are signs that show you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign:



 You Have a Straightforward Case



Invisalign does not work for all crooked teeth cases. Your dentist or orthodontist will examine your case. If the problem is complex, you may need dental surgery or traditional braces.



You Are Responsible



You must commit to wearing Invisalign for them to work. The trays are removable, but you need to wear them for a set number of hours per day. In most cases, you may need to always have them on except when you eat.



You Have All Your Adult Teeth



Orthodontists prefer to do cosmetic treatments on adult teeth. It is hard to predict how a child’s teeth will grow. It is ideal to have all your adult teeth if you want to have Invisalign.



 You Practice Good Oral Hygiene



You need to take care of your trays to avoid infections or further oral and dental issues. Having good oral hygiene is essential for Invisalign. 


Be responsible enough to clean the trays often and take good care of them. Otherwise, you may need to spend your money getting them replaced. Additionally, your oral hygiene and health need to be okay. Doing so will ensure your dentist or orthodontist considers you.



 You Are Not a Smoker



You cannot use or take tobacco since you will have your Invisalign in all day. Doing so can make the trays dirty and interfere with them. You need to take care of them and clean them regularly to avoid replacing them.



 You Are Old Enough



You need to have all your adult teeth and be old enough to have Invisalign. You can have your teeth straightened whenever you want to. But most orthodontics choose not to give sets to children and young teenagers. 


Invisalign trays are removable and need care. The wearer needs to be responsible, unlike wearing traditional braces.



Are You an Invisalign Candidate? 



If you meet the points listed above, you can benefit from having Invisalign. Your orthodontist or dentist can talk to you more on an individual level about your qualifications. Hence, be ready for further talk when making your appointment.



When Is Invisalign Ineffective?



Your doctor will not recommend Invisalign if you have severe oral problems. If you have an issue such as an extreme underbite or overbite, Invisalign may not be the solution. Your jawbone may need physical shifting, and your aligners cannot correct bone issues. Individuals with fully grown jawbones are among the best candidates for Invisalign. 


For more about Invisalign, visit Rudell Gary S. Jacinto, DMD, at our office in Los Angeles, California. You can also call (323) 405-9428 today to book an appointment.

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