Tips to Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a condition that can be very embarrassing. It often results in anxiety and poor self-esteem. This is why products that promise fresh breath continue to fill the store shelves.


Most people experience bad breath after eating certain foods, but it is usually temporary. For others whose bad breath is frequent or consistent, it is likely owing to an oral condition. Here are tips to avoid bad breath.


Brush and Floss Often

One of the best and easiest ways to avoid bad breath is brushing and flossing more often. Plaque accumulates on the teeth, collecting bacteria and causing bad breath. Consistent oral hygiene habits can help keep the teeth and mouth clean. Brush your teeth two times a day and floss daily. Flossing helps remove food debris and plaque from areas that are hard to reach using a toothbrush.


Adjusting Your Diet

If you suffer from consistent bad breath, avoid or limit certain foods. Foods such as garlic and onions cause bad breath that toothbrushing cannot remove. The substances cause the odor to get into the bloodstream before traveling to the lungs, causing bad breath. Spices, cheese, alcohol, and other foods can cause bad breath.


Rinsing the Mouth

Rinsing your mouth after eating or drinking beverages can help prevent bad breath. Using a mouthwash before bedtime, or after brushing your teeth, will offer extra protection against bacteria.


There are many types of mouthwash out there, but some merely cover up the smell. Choose a mouthwash that kills germs. Using plain water to rinse your mouth after meals will help remove food particles that can cause bad breath. 


Cleaning Your Tongue

Failing to brush the tongue can cause bad breath because the coat that forms on the tongue attracts bacteria. Using a brush to gently clean the tongue will keep away smelly bacteria. You can also use a tongue scraper designed to clean the tongue surface. This applies even pressure on the surface to remove food debris, dead cells, and bacteria. 


Stop Using Tobacco

Smoking and using tobacco products are harmful to your health and your teeth. It can stain your teeth, damage your gums, and cause bad breath. Brushing your teeth can help freshen the breath temporarily, but it is not a long-term solution because the effects of tobacco use linger long. If you find it difficult to quit the habit, get professional help.


Keep the Mouth Moist

A dry mouth can result in bad breath and cause tooth decay. Saliva helps keep the mouth healthy by providing moisture, but if you have a dry mouth, drinking plenty of water can help. Stay hydrated throughout the day and chew sugarless gum to stimulate saliva. Sucking on sugar-free candy can help, as well as using a humidifier to increase moisture in the air.


Regular Dental Checkup

Visiting your dentists often helps avoid bad breath since regular checks will ensure healthy teeth and gums. The dentist will examine your mouth to determine if the bad breath is due to an underlying medical condition. If bad breath continues after changing your lifestyle, consult your dentist.


For more tips to avoid bad breath, visit Rudell Gary S. Jacinto, DMD, General and Cosmetic Dentistry at (323) 405-9428 to reach our office in Los Angeles, California. 

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